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Sean Wilder

My Short Sale Coach was created to assist real estate agents, investor and anyone who is negotiating short sales to conquer them more effectively, with the help of a seasoned veteran.

Sean Wilder is the expert behind My Short Sale Coach.  Sean’s team is in the tranches every day negotiating hundreds of short sales.  This constant On the Job Training on what is going on in the industry at the lenders gives his team an edge over others.  This EDGE can be yours through this program.

Sean Wilder started in the pre-foreclosure business in 2007. Previously he enjoyed a successful business in the transportation industry. Since the sale of that company in 2005, Sean has become a successful real estate investor, landlord, licensed Realtor and Licensed Debt Negotiator.

Sean brings the same determination and work ethic that lead to great success in his previous business to Loss Mit Services based in Enfield, CT. His focus, combined with his drive to succeed, have been essential to his success as one of the nation’s top pre-foreclosure negotiators.

Known for finding creative ways to overcome hurdles; Sean, believes in the power of team. Sean is in the trenches every day, plowing through challenges and objections while negotiating with various lenders, and finding solutions to difficult problems. It is this daily experience that brings him his consistent success and provides him the knowledge to share.